Today, all BC parents have options that offer benefits and financial help to cover early education costs.
Given below is some information and useful links for our parents.
The Affordable Child Care Benefit (ACCB) is a monthly subsidy / grant to help eligible families with the cost of child care services.
Family Income + Family Size + Care Required
Renewed Annually
In BC, specific criteria are used to check if a family qualifies for ACCB, click on the following to link for details.
This enhances child care affordability by offering funding to eligible, licensed child care providers to reduce parents’ monthly child care fees.
All Parasol facilities are approved for this initiative; therefore, parents pay the monthly fee accordingly.
If your child is enrolled with Parasol you, by default, get the benefit of the program.
This benefit is a monthly grant in addition to ACCB which further reduces your monthly parent portion.
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